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Find your Super Cami!
Fill out this quick FORM, then go back to Facebook and *PRIVATE MESSAGE ME A RECENT PICTURE OF YOURSELF and I'll respond to your message with my Cami size and style recommendations ASAP!
Indicates required field
Phone Number
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Zip Code
What's your BRAMA? What specifically do you dislike about your current bra? (Check all that apply)
Digging, painful wires
Not enough lift or support - #droopyboobies
Straps that slip off of my shoulders
Straps that dig into my shoulders
Back and/or tummy bulge - #backfat #muffintop
Spillage - #mycupoverfloweth
My breasts are different sizes so no bra ever fits right
I have had SURGERY and now have pros ethics. I can't find a comfortable solution. #pinkribbon
Take a look at your current bra and let me know what size it is (ex: 36C, 42DD, etc)
Now I need your "ANCHOR" measurement. CAMIS DO NOT SIZE LIKE BRAS so please take a second to get your ACCURATE MEASUREMENT. If you don't you'll be sad. If you don't have a measuring tape, get a cord or string and wrap it around your rib-cage, right under your bustline. Then compare that to a metal tape measure you might find in your garage. What number did you get?
Anchor measurement
Now, measure the FULLEST PART OF YOUR BUST while wearing a bra. What number did you get?
Bust measurement
What size pants do you wear?
Do you have a long, balanced or short torso? Measure from the top of your head to your crotch, and then from your crotch to the floor and answer below.
Long - If your head to crotch measurement is longer than your crotch to floor measurement, then you have a long torso with shorter legs
Balanced - In a balanced body, the head to crotch measurement and the crotch to floor measurement are equal.
Short - If your head to crotch measurement is shorter than your crotch to floor measurement, then you have a short torso with longer legs.
How tall are you?
Do you have any SENSORY sensitivities? In other words... do you have fibromyalgia or just a real difficult time with things that are at all snug on you?
Yes, I have Fibromyalgia so I need things to be a bit looser so they don't bother me on flare up days.
I don't have Fibromyalgia but YES, I have a very difficult time when things are at all snug around my body. I wear very loose clothing and undergarments as a result.
Not really, but I do want comfort MORE THAN waist and back smoothing/shaping.
Nope. Smooth my backfat and give me my waist back! I've been missing it for years and I'm ready for a globing Cami-hug all day long if that's what it takes.
I send cool things on BIRTHDAYS. If you would like me to add you to my birthday list, make sure you scroll back up to the top and add in your birthday and home address. *
I just added my Birthday and home address! Can't wait to get fun stuff!
Thanks, but no thanks :)
Our camis won't just provide comfort, lift & support to your bust, they also provide a ton of other benefits! What best describes what you're looking for?
A full support hug that supports and smoothes my tummy and back.
A light support hug that smoothes my tummy and back.
No hug, I'm just looking for a comfortable alternative to my bra.
A have a referral program that can earn you 50% off, 75% off, FREE product credit, and gifts. Would you like more information?
YES, of course!
Maybe, what;'s this about?
Ruby Ribbon does a FREE cami call 6 days a week and gives away 15-30 FREE camis each day! You've got a great chance of winning one! You log-in to a live webinar that shares more about our products and company. Only 30 minutes of your time and your mic is on MUTE the whole time. Listen while you do the dishes! ;) LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT ME TO ADD YOU TO MY REMINDER LIST. I use Facebook messenger to send you a reminder 30 minutes before each call.
Um...no brainer...OF COURSE!
No thank you.
Is there anything else you'd like me to know or any specific questions I can answer for you?
Portrait Commissions
Pet Portraits
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