Hosting your own private painting party is fun and affordable! Including the whole family makes it a unique and wonderful experience!
After we decide on a date and theme as the host, you will pay $25 for each family member that will be painting. Your guests that will be painting will pay $25 per person. I offer family parties at a significantly reduced rate from my adult parties in an effort to make it affordable and therefore I cannot offer the host to paint free. |
Family Painting Party Information...
Contact me today about scheduling your party!
I do require an 8 person minimum for parties this includes you and any of your family members.
I charge $25 for each of your guests including children. This includes ALL of the painting materials and supplies. (Families with more than one child will receive 20% off per person.) You provide the refreshments or have your friends bring their own.
I am willing to travel a reasonable distance because I have so much fun sharing my passion for painting so if you think you may live to far away.....just ask me and I'll let you know.
The painting party is 2 and a half hours long and I will arrive at least 30 minutes prior to set up. Please plan on having the space ready to accommodate your guests as well as any food and drink preparation BEFORE I arrive.
A deposit of $10 per person is required to schedule the party. I will provide an e-mail invitation that you may forward to your guests that will include a PayPal link for the deposit.
This $10 deposit is refundable up until 48 hours prior to the event date. Refunds cannot be given less than 48 hours before the party.
Please provide your information below and I will contact you about planning your party and answer all of your questions.
Thank you SO MUCH for your interest in hosting a Painting Party!!!!!
I do require an 8 person minimum for parties this includes you and any of your family members.
I charge $25 for each of your guests including children. This includes ALL of the painting materials and supplies. (Families with more than one child will receive 20% off per person.) You provide the refreshments or have your friends bring their own.
I am willing to travel a reasonable distance because I have so much fun sharing my passion for painting so if you think you may live to far away.....just ask me and I'll let you know.
The painting party is 2 and a half hours long and I will arrive at least 30 minutes prior to set up. Please plan on having the space ready to accommodate your guests as well as any food and drink preparation BEFORE I arrive.
A deposit of $10 per person is required to schedule the party. I will provide an e-mail invitation that you may forward to your guests that will include a PayPal link for the deposit.
This $10 deposit is refundable up until 48 hours prior to the event date. Refunds cannot be given less than 48 hours before the party.
Please provide your information below and I will contact you about planning your party and answer all of your questions.
Thank you SO MUCH for your interest in hosting a Painting Party!!!!!