The elements have specific energy channels we will work with.
Each week’s class will focus on a specific element from the Chinese 5 Element theory which includes
You will learn which acupuncture meridians are associated with the specific element and where they correspond to the physical body. Yoga postures in class will be sequenced to open these energy channels to allow the Qi or life-force to flow.
You will learn which acupuncture meridians are associated with the specific element and where they correspond to the physical body. Yoga postures in class will be sequenced to open these energy channels to allow the Qi or life-force to flow.
When our acupuncture meridians are blocked it will, over time, directly impact the physical body with symptoms of pain, discomfort, inflammation, irritation and even disease.
For example, before you would develop symptoms in your gall bladder there has already been a disconnect in your gall bladder meridian. Each class will end with a group meditation designed to further increase your connection with the specific element. You will learn how to identify the ways in which the blocked Qi or energy affects your emotions. Through meditation you will fully align the electromagnetic fields of your mind and body to be in harmony with the natural rhythm of the elements. |
Health, happiness and well-being are some of the natural byproducts of
opening to this energy!
opening to this energy!